Sustainable micro wind turbines make Austria's infrastructure and industry less dependent on expensive grid electricity

High energy prices are not only a burden on private households but also on companies. In addition, the pressure on businesses and institutions to reduce their carbon footprint is increasing. This is causing the demand for environmentally friendly, smart, and, above all, easy-to-adapt energy solutions to skyrocket.

With mini wind turbines in a modular system, the start-up MOWEA enables the industry to produce green electricity itself on-site. In a Europe-wide pilot project with ASFINAG, micro wind turbines are supplying the toll booth in Patsch, and developer SÜBA AG is also already having a construction crane for a residential project in Stockerau run on wind energy from MOWEA.

Vienna, May 16, 2023

Anyone who thinks that generating wind energy only works on wide, flat fields is mistaken. This is proven by the Berlin-based start-up MOWEA, which, together with ASFINAG, has installed off-grid micro wind turbines on the piers of the Europabrücke bridge in Tyrol at the height of 140 meters. Eight wind turbines will henceforth generate around 6,000 kWh of energy per year - saving around 2,016 tons of CO2 annually. Electricity can therefore be generated by wind power around the clock while emissions are reduced. "The implementation does not require any additional infrastructure or even soil sealing, and the wind turbines can be integrated in a visually elegant way," explains Till Naumann, CEO of MOWEA GmbH.

A new wind has been blowing on the Europabrücke since May 16

The project "Wind for the Europe Bridge" was initiated as part of the "Verbund X Accelerator" program and funded by the Renewable-Energy-Solutions Program (RES Program) of the Energy Export Initiative, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK). With the participation of invited guests from politics and business, MOWEA's small wind turbine was officially inaugurated on May 16, 2023. In addition to the warm welcome of ASFiNAG and MOWEA representatives, other exciting speeches were addressed by the speaker for economy, press and culture as well as EU representative of the German Embassy in Vienna and the German Honorary Consul in Tyrol. The German Energy Agency GmbH, which accompanies the market entry of MOWEA in Austria in the framework of the RES program, also participated in the ceremonial inauguration and warmly welcomed the guests.

Own wind power for industry based on the Lego principle

The spin-off of the TU Berlin pursues the approach of making the production of wind power accessible to "everyone": While this was long limited to rural areas and rather flat regions in the form of immense wind turbines, the Climate Tech wants to enable and promote the production of wind power in urban areas as well. The wind turbine system is particularly suitable for businesses with tall buildings or operations at lofty heights. "Due to the modular design principle, the number of turbines is variable depending on individual needs, and the system can be effectively and smartly controlled remotely using plug & play," Naumann explains. MOWEA supports its partners throughout the entire process, from planning and configuration to installation together with regional partners. Depending on the location and the structural conditions, wind power systems can also be combined with solar power systems to achieve maximum efficient, environmentally friendly performance.

SÜBA AG generates construction site electricity itself

The property developer SÜBA AG, another well-known partner in Austria, is already relying on MOWEA's modular wind energy system for the residential construction project "Das Koloman" in Stockerau, Lower Austria, the largest city in the Weinviertel region. In this construction project, 190 family apartments with open spaces are being built. On the construction site crane required for this project, 16 wind turbines were installed at a height of 30 meters. The crane itself and also the construction site office can thus be powered to a large extent by environmentally friendly wind energy during the construction work. The annual output from the wind energy generated in this project is up to 16,000 kWh. In this case, too, there is no need for additional masts or any form of further land sealing or infrastructure - a key aspect of the MOWEA concept, especially since the turbines were mounted on the crane that was already in place anyway. In the future, SÜBA AG plans to extend the production of its own wind energy to other construction sites in Austria and Germany. In addition to highway bridges and construction site cranes, radio masts in the telecommunications sector represent another area of application for the turbines. "There are numerous industries that can benefit from MOWEA's wind energy solution," Naumann affirms.

Reduce costs, protect the climate

With its offer, MOWEA hits a nerve of the times because companies are under increasing pressure to reduce their CO2 footprint. For example, the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into force at the EU level at the beginning of January this year, which also increases the need for companies to take action. "Companies are increasingly expected to switch to more sustainable energy solutions. However, for many it is a major challenge to manage this while maintaining their own profitability," explains Naumann, describing why it is worthwhile for companies to cooperate with MOWEA: "With our wind energy solutions, companies can reduce their energy costs. In addition, by generating renewable energy on-site, they reduce their dependence on often expensive grid power." In any case, MOWEA has ambitious plans for the Austrian market in the future: "We have set ourselves the goal of taking a leading role as a provider of innovative wind energy solutions. Through cooperations with important players such as ASFINAG or SÜBA AG, we are demonstrating the potential of our technology and are convinced that in the future we will be able to make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 and meeting the growing demand for renewable energy sources in Austria," concludes Naumann.


The German Energy Agency (dena) is a centre of excellence for the applied energy transition and climate protection. dena studies the challenges of building a climate-neutral society and supports the German government in achieving its energy and climate policy objectives. Since its founding in 2000, dena has worked to develop and implement solutions and bring together national and international partners from politics, industry, the scientific community and all parts of society. dena is a project enterprise and a public company owned by the German federal government. dena’s shareholders are the Federal Republic of Germany and the KfW Group.


With the aim of positioning German technologies and know-how worldwide, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) supports suppliers of climate-friendly energy solu-tions in opening up foreign markets. The focus lies on renewable energies, energy efficiency, smart grids and stor-age, as well as technologies such as power-to-gas and fuel cells. Aimed in particular at small and medium-sized enterprises, the German Energy Solutions Initiative supports participants through measures to prepare market entry as well as to prospect, develop and secure new markets.


With the RES programme, the Energy Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) helps German companies in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors enter new markets. Within the framework of the programme, reference plants are installed and marketed with the support of the German Ener-gy Agency (dena). Information and training activities help ensure a sustainable market entry and demonstrate the quality of climate-friendly technologies made in Germany.
RES Programme

This project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme of the German Energy Solutions Initiative.

Press contact: Fullstop Public Relations
Christoph Breitenfelder
0043 676 950 58 01